Here at the O’Brien-Sullivan Funeral Home diversity is looked upon as a growing world that we embrace. We are here to help provide a loving meaningful funeral service, celebration of life or memorial service for your loved one. Our goal is to provide a Celebrant to help remember your loved one with a personalized service that fits your needs.
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A Celebrant will start with a blank slate and build upon it. The service can be religious or as non- religious as one chooses. A celebrant is one who will walk with your family by gathering information of the life your loved one lead such as memories, feelings, and personal stories. He or she will build the service from many angles to get the full picture of the life your loved one lived and takes that information along with music, photos, or readings you may want to incorporate into giving a personal and heartfelt service.
One beautiful aspect of a celebrant lead service is that you are not restricted to a certain type of service. Your loved one deserves a service that tells their story by someone who understands and takes all of your needs into consideration yet presents to all who are present a dignified beautiful service of the life that was lived and will be remembered. The certified Celebrants we offer come from many faiths and diverse backgrounds and will honor and be sensitive to your needs. They can officiate the ceremony at the funeral home, cemetery, or other location of your choice.
We will do our best to provide you with the right celebrant that will individualize a service while showing the care and compassion every family needs during this time.